The Psychology and Parapsychology of Various Unusual Experiences



Participant Information


What the project is about: The aim of this study is to assess the psychological and parapsychological aspects of various groups. In particular, we would like to see who has psychic ability and who doesn’t. In order to be eligible for participation in this study, you must be 18 years or over, able to speak/read English fluently, and have access to a computer and the internet.


What you will be asked to do: You will be required to complete a few questionnaires, which should take no longer than 30 minutes. You will then be asked to listen to some relaxing audio. Finally, you will engage in a picture-guessing task on the computer which requires you to guess a randomly-selected future target picture.


Participants may find benefit in contributing to potentially valuable psychological research, as well as gaining experience and knowledge in methods of psychological testing. First-Year Psychology students at the University of Adelaide will be granted research credit.


Risks associated with participation: There are no foreseeable risks associated with participating in this study. However, in the event that you do experience any discomfort or distress and believe you require support, please contact a help-line such as Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636) or Life Line (13 11 44). Both of these are 24/7 free-call help-lines available to provide you with instant support. Also, if you are a student at The University of Adelaide, you are able to access the free counselling service at the North Terrace campus on 8313 5663. Students of other universities may have access to similar services.


Where the information will go: Your name will not be recorded and you will not be individually identifiable. If you are a psychology student at University of Adelaide, you will be required to record your student ID in order to receive your research credit. This information will not be attached to your individual results. All information stored will be accessible only by the researchers. All data will be aggregated for analysis and findings from those analyses will be published. You will in no way be identifiable throughout these processes. If you wish to receive a summary of the results, or have any questions in general regarding the study, please contact Dr. Lance Storm via email (listed below).


Complaint or concerns: The study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at the University of Adelaide (approval number 18/97). For any questions concerning the ethical conduct of the research, please contact Professor Paul Delfabbro, chair of the Human Research Ethics Sub-Committee in the School of Psychology, 8313 4936, or email:


Pressing Go to Next Page at the bottom of this page will immediately initiate the study. Pressing this button confirms that you have read, fully understand, and agree with all of the above participant information, in conjunction with the informed consent information (next page), and freely give your full consent to participate. Please note that though there are no time constraints in completing the study, your progress cannot be saved. If you exit the window, this will be understood as withdrawal and your data will be erased.


Yours sincerely,


Lance Storm and Monika Goretzki (Principal Investigators) ,